Posts by Carl

Dragon Stool Part 1

Dragon Stool Part 1

My wife and I recently returned from the first big road trip in our (new to us) travel trailer. We...

Dragon Stool Teaser

Dragon Stool Teaser

Well, I didn’t really intend this to be a teaser, but that’s how it has worked out. My wife and...

Donkey’s Ear

Donkey’s Ear

In my last post, I discussed making a shooting board. In this post, I’ll show you how to make a...

Shooting Board

Shooting Board

A shooting board can be very helpful to square up the end of a board or trim a board to...

Mitered Box Part 7

Mitered Box Part 7

Last post for this project! The box is basically done now (it needs another coat or two of finish), but...

Mitered Box Part 6

Mitered Box Part 6

I’m back working on the box after a bit of a delay. The trailer has taken up a lot of...

Mitered Box Delay

Video delayed this week; I’m just returning from Oregon after purchasing a travel trailer. We (my wife and I) have...

Mitered Box Part 5

Mitered Box Part 5

Let’s get a handle on this… Not a difficult task but there are always tricks to make things go more...

Mitered Box Part 4

Mitered Box Part 4

Installing hinges can be a bit tricky, but there are methods that help alleviate some of the challenges. I use...

Mitered Box Part 3

Mitered Box Part 3

As I said in my last post, I’m finally able to make videos again. It’s been a while so I...

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