Chair Horse Build Part 1
The build has started and it’s nice to be back in the shop. Thanks to those who wished my wife well on her cornea transplant surgery. Her vision continues to improve, although there is still an issue with her left eye that will hopefully resolve with time.
In this first build video I start with an overview of the project, then spend the rest of the time showing how I harvest the parts from the rough lumber. Mostly straightforward stuff, but I tried to include some tips that will help out in this and other projects.

You can download the bill of materials, a plan of procedure, and a drawing below. The drawing is shown below; it’s just a few views of various assemblies, but should be enough to illustrate the construction.

My friends who’ve had corneal transplants sometimes don’t know the end result for a full year. Patience and time, I hope she sees much better when things settle.