Lidded Box Part 1
I just received the hardware for the box and it is all as expected. Time to make some sawdust.
I start by finding some material and prepping the stock. I had some old walnut kicking around, which ended up being just enough to make the sides of the box. It’s air-dried and will be beautiful when finished. Much nicer than needed for this very utilitarian project, but I’m sure my sister and future scrip-managers will appreciate it.
For squaring up the stock, I typically use what we called at Cerritos College, “Eight Steps to Squaring Lumber.” Not long before I retired it became ten steps and I had another 15-step procedure for really square lumber that involved a rest period after initial roughing. I used the eight-step procedure for this project, as the lumber was very stable due to its presence in my shop since 2008. If you are interested, you can download the 10-step procedure below.

See the intro post to this series here.
Looks like a great project! I’m adding it to my schedule! Thanks