Mitered Box Part 2
Part 2 of the mitered box build is now posted. This video was originally created in April as Unlisted, so I’m making it public now. The box is currently in the state of completion shown in the video, so I soon have to get back to shooting the rest of the build. Only recently is my shop usable again; I brought quite a bit of stuff (projects, books, paperwork, lumber) home from work after retiring and it took a while to find a home for everything. For weeks, every horizontal surface had something on it.
I’m planning to post weekly on Thursday or Friday. Projects mostly, but if an interesting question arises that would make for a good video, I’ll do that on occasion. I’m feeling my way through this, so let me know if you have questions or feedback. Comment below or send me an email.
And, thanks to those who gave me some feedback on the website. There were a few tweaks necessary to get everything working correctly.