Back in the Shop

My knee is doing well, the shop is relatively clean, and I’m making sawdust again! After we decided not to move a lot of “stuff” that was in storage found its way into my shop, so things got really cluttered. For the most part it has now been given away or found a new home, so all is well.

Last week I made a couple of picture frames that my wife had been asking for, which was very helpful in getting my head back in the game. Next on the to-do list is a couple of dining chairs. Lindsey has been suffering from the woodworker’s curse for years, which means I insist on making various pieces of furniture instead of purchasing them. That, of course, means that she has to be patient, as I juggle various other projects and priorities before getting to her requests. We currently have five dining chairs, two purchased at a thrift store, another from a swap meet, and the other two I made about 15 years ago. The plan was to make three pairs of chairs, all similar but different, tweaking dimensions and angles as needed. It’s now time for Pair #2. Finally…

Here’s one of Pair #1. Very comfortable, but heavy.

I’m currently working on the next pair, and will soon start a video series on the build.

Thanks for your patience as I have recovered from my knee surgery and garage cleanup!

10 Responses to “Back in the Shop

  • Bob Linn
    2 days ago

    Glad to see your doing well and back at it. I’m waiting for the weather to warm up so I can back in the garage to do some fun work.

  • Sid Rogers
    1 week ago

    Hi Carl, I’m glad you are up and around again. I too am somewhere in the process of thinking about making some dining chairs, so your video guidance couldn’t come at a more perfect time. Thanks for your labors for us! – Sid Rogers

    • I hope this series helps. These chairs will be the most challenging I have made to date, with more compound angles and Danish cord seats. Looking forward to getting them done!

  • Eitan Barazani
    2 weeks ago

    Good luck! Thx for meeting with me.

  • Martin Hansen
    2 weeks ago


    That’s a fantastic idea! I’m looking forward to seeing all three designs!

  • Bob Kemp
    2 weeks ago

    That’s awesome Carl. So glad to hear you’re back at it! I hope to be soon, still in PT for shoulder but will attempt hiking with no poles no pack this week. I stare at the mess in my shop area and wonder where to put it all as it sounds like you do too. Looking forward to following your build! Stay well and all the best. Bob

    • Bob, glad to hear the shoulder is improving. Healing doesn’t happen as quickly as it used to…

  • Amy Earhart
    2 weeks ago

    Glad that you are back using the shop for it’s intended purpose! And good to see a post from you too.

    • Thanks Amy! The garage is much better enjoyed as a shop than as a storage unit!

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