August 2024

Well… the porch project took much longer than expected. As my wife will tell you, take the time I estimate for project completion and double that. Even that was way off.

The structural part went fairly quickly, but the rest of it took forever. Stripping and sanding 100-year-old siding, installing that and some new siding, and painting (prep, sanding, priming, caulking, two color coats of four different colors…). Yikes! Basically done for now with a few tweaks awaiting completion of a new fence (we’ll hire someone to do that).

Here are a few photos. Note my “helper”, asleep on the job…

porch rear view
porch side view
sleeping cat on porch

The old plane tune-up video and post is finally on its way.

15 Responses to “August 2024

  • I’m finally digging out of my own self-created backlog as well. The port looks exactly as it should. I imagine it is difficult to go from fine woodworking tolerances to carpentry tolerances. There are probably zero gaps in any of the joints.

    • Yes, the tolerance transition is a bit of a challenge, but I keep reminding myself it’s a house, not furniture. There are a few gaps, but not noticeable from a distance!

      • Anthony Sergio Fortner
        2 weeks ago

        Accuracy is addicting. As always thanks for sharing your brilliance. toe knee

  • Joy Toal
    1 month ago

    Good kitty!!!! That’s the best kind of help you can get. The porch looks great! I love the colors.

    • And it’s not even our cat! Just a very friendly neighbor.

      • HAHA – that just makes the story even sweeter! Kitty-on-loan has obviously approved of your company.

  • Miguel P Prietto MD
    1 month ago

    Looks great; and very much worth the time. I guess retirement is good. Be well.
    Miguel P.

  • Thanks all! Your comments are very much appreciated.

  • Bob Linn
    1 month ago

    You’re an artist

  • Bob Kemp
    1 month ago

    Looks terrific Carl! Looks like a ton of work! Bet you’re glad to hire someone for the fence! Stay well, Bob

  • Amy Earhart
    1 month ago

    Looks great! Obviously your assistant worked VERY hard and is exhausted.

  • Matthew Hyatt
    1 month ago

    Looks great! I’m sure you’re glad that project is done.

  • Susan Sz
    1 month ago

    The porch looks terrific!

  • Martin Hansen
    1 month ago


    Your porch project looks fantastic. Obviously, lots of thought went into design and finish work!

    You should be proud!


  • Eitan Barazani
    1 month ago

    Nice job!

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