June 2024

Apologies for the lack of recent posts… About a month ago I dismantled our rotting back porch and stairs with the hope I would have them rebuilt in about a week. Well, you know how that goes; it turns out the foundation, which I think was created along with the house in 1924, was in three pieces. I hired a trusted contractor to replace it. Three weeks later I had a new foundation and was ready to start the woodworking part. Heres’ the foundation before and after:

old foundation
new foundation

Nice to have some rebar in the concrete now! As I write this, I’m about halfway through the project, with the framing done and the stair stringers in place.

framed porch in progress

Adding to my challenges is shop clutter. I mentioned a couple of months ago that Lindsey and I decided not to move out of California. How is that related to my shop space, you ask? In preparation for our move, we were storing a bunch of boxes, artwork, and some furniture at Lindsey’s old place of work. All that “stuff” has now come home and much of it is in my shop, along with the materials, tools, etc. associated with the porch rebuild. It’s a huge mess.

It will be at least another couple of weeks before my shop is clean enough to start my next project, so please bear with me a bit longer…

8 Responses to “June 2024

  • Joy Toal
    7 months ago

    I still have my workbench in my living room so…. you do what you can when and where you can. I look forward to seeing the completed stairs!

  • Martin Hansen
    8 months ago

    Nice project! Looks like it could be a small space to store that extra stuff! I know what it’s like to have clutter in the workshop. Although, my extra stuff is completely self imposed.

    • Extra stuff?!? Who has extra stuff? /s

      Prior to cleaning it out, there was a lot of crap down there, including the old kitchen sink! All gone now. I’m going to have the deck waterproofed, so it will be a safe place to store a few things.

  • Ah retirement! How did all these tasks get accomplished when we were working? Glad you’re well.

    • I have wondered the same thing, although I think the answer in my case is they got postponed until retirement. I’m now paying the price of my procrastination…

  • Mark Davis
    8 months ago

    Always willing to lend a hand for a day.

    • Thanks Mark. I’m in good shape for now. And we have decided to forgo the she-shed. Lindsey will continue to share the garage/shop with me.

  • Bob Linn
    8 months ago

    Good luck with all that work. Still wished you’d have come to Idaho.

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