Wood Try Square 2
I thought I could fit this build into one video but it was way too long. The whole process in my shop probably took three or four hours, not counting camera setup and epoxy drying time, but the original video was over 40 minutes long. Despite my trying to keep my videos succinct, my emphasis on including detail often derails me. Trying to keep that balance is a challenge.
The bandsaw cut didn’t work out as hoped, although I wasn’t surprised. My blade is definitely getting dull and needs cleaning. I think a sharp, clean blade would have worked fine. The table saw, of course, works best and would typically be my first choice for that type of cut.

Note that I changed the project name from tri-square to try square. Someone commented on the first video that try square is more appropriate and I think they are correct. I found this explanation from the Johnson Level & Tool Mfg Company, “The name ‘try square’ comes from the concepts of ‘trying a surface’ (to check a surface’s straightness or correspondence to an adjacent surface) and ‘square’ (a 90°, or right, angle).”
I don’t really need another try square, so I’ll probably give this one away at some point. Perhaps if/when I get to 5000 subscribers on YouTube…