Plane Setup

When I was teaching, one of the more difficult concepts to pass along was how to set up a plane. Part of the problem was that it wasn’t easy to show students what I was seeing when making depth-of-cut or lateral-adjustment-lever adjustments. My typical methodology was to lecture on the concept, demonstrate the process, and then allow students to practice. While that works well for the most part, it didn’t work for everyone. There was always a lot of trial and error (and frustration), particularly for students who couldn’t visualize what was going on or didn’t have a lot of experience with cutting tools in general.

Setting the depth of cut and lateral adjustment on a plane is challenging. One of the biggest challenges was just getting a student to see the blade as it emerged from the sole of their plane. You have to hold the plane at just the right angle, focus on the right area, turn the adjuster or move the lateral adjustment lever the correct direction, and have good enough vision to see what’s happening.

plane adjustment

Then, you have to be able to interpret what’s going on when you use the plane. When it’s not working well, is it the material, the plane setup, the sharpness of the blade, the technique of the user, or something else? There’s a lot to it.

In this video, I try to address some of these issues. I hope it’s helpful.

The following videos may also be of use in understanding the concepts:
Plane Blade Camber
Plane Blade Sharpening

One Response to “Plane Setup

  • Anthony Bober
    11 months ago

    As a former student in both hand tools and advanced hand tools, I can tell you that part of the benefit of these excellent videos is as reminder of theory / technique for set ups. I only do it handful of times per year so the reminders are excellent rather than trying to depend on my “old guy” memory. Thank you again.

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