March Update

As many of you are aware, my wife, Lindsey, and I were planning to move out of California. No more…

We both retired in 2021. Our goal was to move to a location where we would have some land (2+ acres), a bigger house (current home ~1060 sf), a bigger shop for me, a she-shed/studio for Lindsey, attached garage (in which we could actually park cars), pine trees, etc. We seriously considered Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Idaho, Utah and Arizona, and also looked at Montana and New Mexico. After a couple of visits, we finally decided on Couer d’Alene, Idaho. We then found a good realtor, recommended by a friend. Discussed with him our goals and desires…

Then reality hit. Like so many places, it has gotten very expensive. We would not be able to afford a home that checked all the boxes. We would probably have to build or renovate a shop and she-shed, do some upgrades to the house, and whatever else would be required to make it ours. And that would take at least a couple of years (and $$). We would have to deal with real winter weather, establish relationships with new doctors, make new friends. Taking all that and more into consideration, we have decided to stay put.

We’ve been here since 2005, we know what we’ve got, it works. California politics drives us nuts, but we’re in a decent area with great neighbors, 1.1 miles from the ocean, with great weather, friends and family nearby, and world-class healthcare (which gets more important all the time).

Next up, build a studio for Lindsey…

PS: I was supposed to be backpacking in Arizona right now and then on to Texas to see the eclipse, but that all got sidelined when I started having knee issues. I see the doc tomorrow to discuss MRI results.

9 Responses to “March Update

  • Joy Toal
    11 months ago

    I’m sad to hear the dreams dashed and the meniscus tear – ouch! I had reconstructive ACL back in my college days. Dr. James Tibone was a young surgeon at Kerlan-Jobe in El Segundo at the time. He did an amazing job and it looks like he’s still working. It’s been 30 years and my knee is still doing great thanks to him.

  • Thanks all! Your kind words are much appreciated. My MRI showed a torn meniscus. I see another doc about fixing that on April 10.

  • Bob Linn
    11 months ago

    Hey Carl, sorry that I’m not going to have you as a neighbor, but I understand. I’m still adjusting to the move here. Still trying to be a wood worker.
    If you ever get out here again, I take you and your wife out to dinner at the Whitehouse.

  • Anthony Bober
    11 months ago

    I would say welcome back to both of you but you aren’t leaving. That’s a real plus for those of who have had privilege of getting to know you. Your shared thoughts mirror those of my wife and I.
    Meanwhile, hope knee not a big deal and that you both keep traveling by whatever means. Bless you both.

  • Laurie Walcutt
    11 months ago

    Congratulations on staying put! California is beautiful. If we could afford it we’d have stayed there. I am glad to be in Oregon though–the people are so nice and there’s no traffic. I’m glad you both decided to stay after all.

  • Eitan I Barazani
    11 months ago

    Other than the politics, taxes, CA is pretty good. I hope we’ll be able to learn you even more now.

    Good luck,

  • Glad you are staying put Carl. We went through that 20 years ago, when we decided to move out of SnFrancisco. We looked south, Montery and Santa Cruz area, still too expensive. Then looked north, and ended up on the Mendocino coast. Still close to the city (3hrs drive) but far enough away to be out of the traffic, and have some elbow room.

  • Mark Davis
    11 months ago

    Be more than happy to donate a few days to help you build whatever you need. I’ve been to Northern Idaho, and yes, winter is real there. Sorry it didn’t work out for you guys. Btw, how is your father in law? And yes Ca politics is crazy and drives you crazy.

  • James Blaine
    11 months ago

    Best wishes for you and your wife! Sometimes knowing what you have can pay dividends in the long run. In addition, quality health care is an absolute necessity. Best of luck to you and the Misses going forward.

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