Mitered Box Part 7

Last post for this project! The box is basically done now (it needs another coat or two of finish), but it looked good enough to post the video.

One thing I would change if I was to do it again – I’d make the dividers thinner. They look heavy to me. I intended to do that from the beginning because I thought they were too thick on the previous box (see the Part 1 video). I did make them thinner this time, but not enough. They are a touch over 1/4″, and I think closer to 3/16″ would look best. Next time…

Part proportions can really make a difference and definitely separate good projects from great projects. We tend to think of overall proportions of parts, like using the golden rectangle, but part thickness plays a role too. I remember years ago seeing jewelry boxes at art fairs with 3/4″ sides. WAY too thick, but that is what they had available from the lumber yard. I always wondered who noticed, or were people more interested in the pretty wood or shiny finish?

I’ve still got my hands full with the trailer, so I’m struggling a bit with time management. Please bear with me as I get back on track.

Mitered Box Video Part 7

2 Responses to “Mitered Box Part 7

  • Paul Babcock
    4 years ago

    Hello Cael. I enjoyed the mitered box series. For some reason segment #6 will not open up.

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